(a play on words meaning, “Less is More”, where Meer = Sea is a homonym for Mehr = More)
The Citizen Science Project on microplastics in the North and Baltic Seas
Microplastics on our coasts? We sail after that matter!
Microplastic in our oceans is one of the most important issues of our time. It is a complex environmental problem. With our project we want to create awareness about plastic pollution in the sea commit ourselves together.
The Manta-Trawl
Since 2021, we have organized a so-called “Trawl Week” once a year. This is a large joint action where crews of several traditional sailing ships examine the North and Baltic Sea for floating microplastics during one week. Each crew drags a so-called “Manta Trawl” for half an hour through the water and thus filters the water surface for microplastics.
The found particles of microplastics are collected and will be examined later in the laboratory to determine the type of plastic.

Get on board with WENIGER IST MEER
Would you like to know what it is like to survey the ocean surface for microplastics? Come on board with us and make your own experience.
We will show you how to do this and are happy to learn new things from you. We are also happy to receive requests for workshops and presentations.

Touring exhibition
An exhibition for young and old, people who like to read and look at pictures,
sailing fans and garbage collectors, people with and without experience, …
A small fascinating exhibition that tackles the topic of microplastics, sailing and manta trawls looks forward to many different exhibition venues and visitors.